Tuesday, briefly

You mean like this kind of anti-Semitism? Progressive Jews are now saying that Israel has to suck up the fact that its actions are causing anti-Semitism. So let’s hear them explain this, then: An Israeli (who denies the charge) was arrested on suspicion of causing a wildfire that tore through a national park. If he caused the fire it was an accident. So, progressive Jews, explain this, please:

The vice president of the Christian Democratic Party wrote on his Twitter account, “I bet that the Israeli ‘tourist’ that burned Torres del Paine is one of those sent by his State after killing Palestinian children.”

Taunts of “filthy Jew” were reportedly yelled as the suspect was escorted to court.

I’m shocked, how about you? The meeting in Amman between the PA and Israel produced no results. Gee, I wonder if that’s because Israel refuses to accede to the Palestinian “preconditions” (go back to the 1949 Armistice lines, give back Jerusalem, freeze all settlement activity) before negotiating. Watch for the Obama administration to insist Israel must produce “confidence-buiding” measures while requiring nothing of the Palestinians. No, wait. It’s an election year. Watch for Obama to mouth I Heart Israel platitudes.

Countdown to anti-Israel articles on this law in 3, 2, 1: Israel passed a tough anti-illegal immigrant law. Prepare for stories on how heartless Israel won’t allow starving Africans to illegally come and live there. Then compare that to the number of stories on Spain’s reaction to illegal African immigration. (Hint: Take a look at a map and see how close Spain is to Africa. They have a pretty bad illegal immigrant problem.)

Well, that was fast: Yep, the AP is on the case.

Israel’s parliament on Tuesday approved harsh new penalties on illegal migrants and Israelis who help them, passing one of several controversial measures designed to stanch the flood of Africans seeking sanctuary from poverty and conflict.

More on this later.

The Dorktator speaks: And he’s not giving up. I didn’t really think he would. Yes I did. No I didn’t. (I go back and forth on this, can you tell?)

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