Monday I got up an hour early briefs

Doesn’t matter that the clocks changed, my body clock got me up an hour early. So off to the gym I went.

More Palestinian attacks on Israel, now, with less media bias! The AP is on a roll, presenting the facts, and just the facts, and no bias for the second time in a few days. Whoa. Does this mean the beginning of a beautiful friendship? (No, I don’t think so either, but it’s nice to see the balance for a change.) Isn’t it amazing what happens when stringers stop repeating the “they were innocent farmers working in their fields” lie? Although, thinking about it, the Palestinians aren’t even trying to hide that they’re constantly attacking Israel anymore. Why should they? The world has consistently attacked Israel and defended the Palestinians whether they lied or not.

But really, it’s not urgent: The IAEA is going to report that Iran is just around the corner from attaining nuclear bombs, but the Russians think that it’s silly to rush to sanctions in order to try to stop them. The Russians, of course, are the ones who are supplying the expertise to get those nuclear bombs. Because the Russians think they can control them? Really? Chechnya, anyone? So when the bomb goes off in Moscow, will there be anyone left in the Politburo to tell “I told you so”?

How out of touch is Ron Paul? This out of touch.

In the cradle of democracy, democracy is dead: The prime minister of Greece was essentially fired for wanting to allow his people to vote on a referendum about the EU plan to bail out Greece. Mind you, I have no sympathy for a populace that thinks it’s their God-given right to retire at age 52, and they’ve done it all to themselves–but the irony is so thick you can cut it with a broadsword. Democracy in the EU? No. Oligarchy? You betcha! Rule of the elites, for the elites, and the masses can eat cake.

The real strength behind the UNESCO win: Now the Palestinians will be suing Israel in international courts, this time via UNESCO. It’s all part of the delegitimization strategy. You would think that it wouldn’t work, but then, you wouldn’t have been reading this blog for the past nine years.

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