Lazy Sunday cat post

It’s a three-day weekend for me. The heck with the news. I caught Gracie looking undignified.

Gracie mewing in the sunlight

She is actually mewing, not yawning. She wanted me to pet her. I wanted her to sit in the sun long enough for me to take a picture. Gracie won.

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4 Responses to Lazy Sunday cat post

  1. Pamela says:

    Oh yes the kitties must have their scritches and pets. Gets their endorphins running and their purr motors charged.

    Hi Gracie. Morning Meryl.

  2. idit says:

    What a cat. how about a picture of Tig?

  3. Rahel says:

    Ahh, Gracie. Beautiful Gracie, a balm to the eyes!

    Thank you, Meryl. Please skritch Gracie and Tig for me.

  4. annoyinglittletwerp says:

    *Pets Gracie. Buries face in Gracie’s soft fur and listens to purrs*

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