They Shout “Justice” but There is No Justice

I have spoken to more people about potential Palestinian action in the United Nations over the past month than I can remember. Some argue for the United States to take the UN to the woodshed and teach it a lesson. Some want to take the US government to the woodshed. Some want to take the Palestinians or the Netanyahu government to the woodshed. Peace? Security? No, the woodshed seems to be the topic of choice.

People are frustrated. Jews, liberal Christians, Christian Zionists, Muslims and people who couldn’t care about religion at all: all of them have an opinion about who should be beaten about the head right now. Even the pacifists seem to be ready to come to blows.

The left, those on the left who pay some lip-service to caring about Israel at least, say that they only want “justice” for the Palestinians. But justice requires more than more votes in the United Nations, justice requires more than threats of boycotts, or threats of violence. Justice requires caring about the other’s well-being, Israel’s well-being. Justice is defined as “the quality of being fair and reasonable.” There is nothing reasonable about refusing to negotiate and refusing to compromise where necessary.

They shout “Justice!” but there is no justice in this.

Instead as I wrote for We Are For Israel, they are demanding an affirmation of Khartoum, “No negotiations. No recognition. No peace.” Hopefully sanity and not enmity will prevail, but I’m not holding my breath.

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