The Asinine Press strikes again

Lebanese troops fired on Israeli troops across the border today. The AP liberally quotes Lebanese sources, barely quotes Israelis, and portrays the history this way:

The violence stoked new tensions on the volatile frontier where Israel and Lebanese Hezbollah militants battled five years ago in a devastating monthlong war.

In May, Israeli troops clashed with a large crowd of pro-Palestinian Lebanese demonstrators who approached the border. The military acknowledges opening fire after protesters tried to damage the border fence. But it says the six demonstrators killed might have been shot by Lebanese army troops, a claim the Lebanese dispute.

In another incident that took place almost a year ago, Lebanese and Israeli troops exchanged fire in a fierce border battle that killed a senior Israeli officer, two Lebanese soldiers and a journalist.

In each incident described above, Hezbollah was the instigator. In the first case, Hizbullah ambushed IDF troops in an attempt to kidnap Israeli soldiers. In the second case, Syria and its Iranian masters were trying to get the world’s attention away from the Syrian uprising, so a three-pronged border incursion was planned. The news media mostly ignored reports that the deaths in Lebanon were due to Lebanese troops firing directly at civilians. And in the last incident, Lebanese snipers murdered an Israeli officer as he was on the Israeli side of the border, watching the pruning of brush that was also on the Israeli side of the border.

This is why the Israel haters are so uninformed. Because the mainstream media keeps them that way.

By the way, UNIFIL has confirmed that Israeli troops were inside their own border. The AP has yet to update its story.

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