Monday morning briefs

Amir Peretz: Too stupid to read a newspaper these days. Seriously? He want to turn Israel back into a welfare state? Because that’s working so well for Greece. And Europe. And California. Sure. That’s the economic model that’s so successful, the current administration is willing to bankrupt America over it. Awesome way to try to woo voters away from Netanyahu. Because that’s what Israel wants, to be just like all the other failing welfare states in the world.

The Hamas-Fatah fake deal is falling through: I was pretty confident it wouldn’t last until September. Looks like I was right. Of course, the AP has already written one hagiography of how awesome Hamas is going to be in the unity government. Hands-off. Won’t impose any of their policies. Not at all. Nope. They’re just joining the cause so they can have a state called Palestine. After that, nothing. Just like the Muslim Brotherhood’s hagiography. Yes, the AP is that gullible. “Islamic group seeks place in a democratic Egypt”… sure. They want democracy. Their younger members are all about the Facebook, you see.

Bashar Assad falling down? Falling down? Falling down? Bashar Assad falling down? Awww, dorktator. (Actually, I have no sympathy at all for him, and hope that the Syrians don’t hate Israel in spite of the indoctrination they’ve had. Not that I think they do. I just hope.)

Just business: While looking at a news article about oil being in a bear market (WOOT!), I noticed that Microsoft is taking over Skype, and as a reward to the people who built Skype into such a desirable tool, they’re firing them now so they won’t have to pay more money if they’re fired when Microsoft takes over. Awesome. Stories like this is what makes me hate large businesses like Microsoft.

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