Lazy Sunday morning news roundup

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss: Fatah wants Fayyad to be the new PM of the PA. Wait for it…

Wow, that was fast. Hamas told the PA they don’t want Fayyad as PM. Why? Because he cuts off their graft. Is the unity facade over at last? One can only hope. But it isn’t really all that important. They need the Security Council to recommend them to the General Assembly as a state, and that’s not happening. Unless that’s another promise Obama’s going to break. Nah. Not before the 2012 election. After? I wouldn’t be at all surprised—if he wins.

Sadly, there are people who will believe this farce: Iran is holding a conference on non-proliferation (yes, irony is dead) and, of course, blaming Israel for the nuclear issues in the Middle East. What? Iranian nukes? Don’t be absurd. They’re for peaceful purposes. Ignore all those reports by the IAEA now that their chief flack can no longer cover for them.

Syrian nukes: Once more, I told you so. Three more nuclear sites? Say, can we get another response from those pundits who insisted that Syria was not developing nukes and that Israel bombed that site for nothing? Can get get another hagiography of the Dorktator and his wife, and how Syria wants nothing more than peace in the Middle East? (Of course they do. The peace of the grave. Read this report of the ongoing massacres.)

The Sarah Palin email scandal: OMG! She had a private email account! Seriously? 24,000 emails and this is the best they can do? Say, I have a question for the media: Where are the Barack Obama emails?

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