Obama’s Passover message: Still tone-deaf

Barack Obama simply cannot acknowledge a Jewish holiday as a Jewish holiday. The president of the world insists on co-opting our holidays for the world as well. And the tone deafness is particularly offensive, as the states currently going through their own revolutions have all been, effectively, Israel’s enemies since its modern inception. Once they get their own houses in order, let’s wait and see how they act toward Israel. But if Egypt is any indicator, Israel is in trouble.

Way to go, Obama. It’s almost like you’re oblivious to the real problems of the Middle East, acting like the only truly big issue it a Palestinian state, or something.

My family and I send our warmest wishes to all those celebrating the sacred festival of Passover.

On Monday evening, Jewish families and their friends in America, Israel, and around the world will gather around the Seder table and retell the story of the Exodus, one of the most powerful stories of suffering and redemption in history. The story of Passover – which recalls the passage of the children of Israel from bondage and repression to freedom and liberty – inspires hope that those oppressed and enslaved can become free. The Seder, with its rich traditions and rituals, instructs each generation to remember its past, while appreciating the beauty of freedom and the responsibility it entails.

This year, that ancient instruction is reflected in the daily headlines as we see modern stories of social transformation and liberation unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa. Against the backdrop of change, we continue to pray for peace between Israel and her neighbors, while reaffirming our enduring commitment to Israel’s security.

As Jewish families gather for this joyous celebration of freedom, let us all be thankful for the gifts that have been bestowed upon us, and let us work to alleviate the suffering, poverty, injustice, and hunger of those who are not yet free. Chag Sameach.

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2 Responses to Obama’s Passover message: Still tone-deaf

  1. Yannai says:

    What a dick.

    Meryl, Israel arrested the Itamar Massacre killers (alive, unfortunately). Please update: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4057894,00.html

  2. The President (the TreifNaïf44), being the empty suit without a personal identification or identity to rely upon, has once again decided that because he does not know what or whom he is when he looks into the mirror, and therefore he desires to strip us of our identity, our beliefs, our ethics, and our personhood.
    For him to attempt, once again, to strip the Jewish importance of Pesach is deplorable, but not surprising. For our sisters and brothers to accept without objection his condescending, slippery behavior is trashy.
    The “house Jews” of Obama need to be castigated daily. But it won’t happen as the J Streeters and NIFfers embrace his posterior and the others who want to wish us away.
    But, then, they understand the meaning of Pesach as much as the TreifNaïf44 does.

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