Wednesday in the news

Is there a plan that this president does not think needs increased spending? Obama’s going to pretend to care about high gas prices in a speech today. His solution?

The administration officials offered few details on how Obama would turn the broad objectives he’ll call for Wednesday into specific policies. They did, however, say the efforts would require increased spending on research and development. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to preview the president’s speech.

Of course. Spending other people’s money has been his life.’s work Why stop now that he’s president? Oh, as to drilling in America’s oil fields? Shyeah, right. Why would he want to do that?

Yeah, and the Israeli Air Force jets were on their way to synagogue: This is a new excuse. PIJ admits that Israel killed one of its terrorists, but he wasn’t going to launch rockets at Israel. The random group of Islamic terrorists was on its way to the mosque to pray. Uh-huh. By the way, the headline, of course, uses the active voice when discussing the death of Palestinians. And blames Israel (which is, of course, responsible). As opposed to AP’s inability to use the active voice or blame Palestinians when Israelis are killed.

Israel airstrike kills 1 Gaza militant

Awesome. Egypt’s new government wants to build ties with Iran. See title.

Check back later: Ban Ki-Moon made a speech about Israel and the Palestinians. I suspect fiskability.

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One Response to Wednesday in the news

  1. russ says:

    When Ban started, I thought he might be halfway sensible. It is increasingly clear to me, though, that it is the UN culture that is the problem. No matter what you believe when you start, when you spend all your time with antisemites, you’re going to have trouble not becoming one yourself – and think yourself honest and reasonable at the same time.

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