UN follies

File this under “How could they tell?” (I missed it two weeks ago, but it must now be told.) The UN was evacuated due to a foul stench.

U.N. security officials evacuated the buildings where the Security Council and the General Assembly were to meet Tuesday because of a strong odor caused by a sewage problem.

This assumes that there are people with brains at the UN: I swear I’m not making up the name of this holiday. It’s the Third Annual Brain Education Day. And it’s a Mike Bloomberg idea! Woot! The guy can’t get New York City streets plowed, but he’s declaring Brain Education Day. Because we totally have to educate those brains, man.

Lebanon to UN: Israel found the gas field, but it’s OURS! OURS! OURS! Of course they’re complaining to the UN. Do you expect them to actually let Israel profit from its own work when by throwing a tantrum they can get the UN to declare an investigation to make sure that Israel isn’t stealing “Lebanese” resources?

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4 Responses to UN follies

  1. gerry says:

    There are pigs flying (excuse the expression—as of now, the UN has said it will not get involved with the Lebanese claim to the gas fields.

    Subject to change without notice.

  2. geoffc says:

    Why excuse the expression? Pigs are perfectly fine to almost all free thinking human beings. I choose not to eat them because they are not kosher, but that is an issue for me to deal with, not you. And it my issue about eating them, not yours to avoid even mentioning them.

    Oh wait, I forgot, that other religion does not believe that way. Their problems are your problems, and they will try and kill you over it, if necessary.

    So please, enjoy the pigs, enjoy the flying pigs, and if they get sweaty, save it, you never know when you might need the sweat of an unclean animal. Only slight worse than a Kafir. Better to just keep the pig handy.

    Who needs holy water, when pig sweat can do the trick for you?

  3. Alan Furman says:

    U.N. security officials evacuated the buildings where the Security Council and the General Assembly were to meet Tuesday because of a strong odor caused by a sewage problem.

    I wonder whether having the plumbers in these buildings organized by the snowplow drivers’ union might ultimately rid New York City of the Benighted Nations altogether.

  4. Gaia says:

    Un answer:

    UN Refuses Lebanon Request to Intervene in Israel Gas Drilling:
    The UN on Wednesday declined Lebanon’s request to protect the country’s natural gas reserves by demarcating its maritime border with Israel. UN spokesman Martin Nesirsky said, “Security Council Resolution 1701 does not include delineating the maritime border.”
    The head of petroleum and natural gas exploration in the Israel National Infrastructures Ministry, Dr. Yaakov Mimran, called Lebanese claims “nonsense.” He said the latest offshore discoveries, as well as earlier finds, are absolutely within Israeli territory. Senior Israeli officials said it was Lebanon that set the limits on its own territorial waters after it had given out exploration licenses exactly along the current borders. “What are they complaining about now?” asked one official (Ha’aretz) Read more: http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/un-refuses-lebanon-re

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