Who spiked Tom Friedman’s coffee?

Did someone else write Friedman’s column this week? Look at this:

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, what are you thinking? Ehud Olmert, the former Israeli prime minister, offered you a great two-state deal, including East Jerusalem — and you let it fritter away. Now, instead of chasing after Obama and telling him you’ll show up for negotiations anywhere under any conditions that the president asks, you’re also setting your own terms.

He’s almost making sense. Of course, he does slam Israel far more than he slams the Palestinians, but at least he has the sense to point out that the Palestinians were offered everything they wanted years ago—again—and said no.

The rest is typical Friedman b.s., quoting a study about how if Israel doesn’t settle things soon, the one-state solution is the only solution, apartheid, oppression, revolt, blah, blah, blah… but at least he’s starting to acknowledge that there are two players in this negotiation, and it isn’t all Israel’s fault.

By the way, who knew that Friedman can google?

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6 Responses to Who spiked Tom Friedman’s coffee?

  1. Jeff says:

    Of course he can Google. http://www.google.cn

  2. Bella says:

    Friedman’s column may have been more caffeinated than usual but still discouragingly superficial. Nevertheless, I never get the feeling, as I get with Roger Cohen, that he isn’t on Israel’s side.

  3. soccer dad says:

    I tweeted my outrage. Twice.

    Plus, his firehouses or Israel reminded me too much of “Burn Jews not oil.”

    The brief flash of honesty was overwhelmed by his massive bad faith.

  4. Added your Twitter feed to the blogroll. And gamed it to come up on top.

  5. Joel says:

    It’s Tom Friedman’s world, he is just gracious enough to allow us all to live in it.

  6. soccer dad says:

    Thanks Meryl. It’s mostly automated stuff. (You, Daled Amos, Elder of Ziyon, Robert Avrech, Taranto, Daily Alert blog.) I do occasional retweeting and comments. But nowhere as time consuming as blogging.

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