Thursday morning briefs

The more you learn, the worse it gets: Really, first we learn (shock!) that German diplomats were complicit in murdering Jews. Now we learn that at least a third of the German war effort was supported by stolen Jewish wealth and property. One of the Germans who stole Jewish wealth? George Soros’ Christian guardian, paid by Soros’ father to swear that George was his godson. You can’t call Soros a collaborator, as some have. But the lesson he learned from that sure seems to be that it’s okay to take things from other people regardless of the cost.

UN keeps up the Gaza cover story: They’ve got to do something in order to guarantee their jobs. So of course, even though they swore for years that the Gazans were starving, desperately in need of medical aid, and about to keel over from various diseases unless the blockade was lifted, now that they got the blockade effectively lifted? It’s still not enough. The fact that a terror organization is still smuggling weapons into Gaza? Irrelevant. The fact that John Ging needs automatic weapons for his bodyguards to protect him from Hamas? Irrelevant. The only relevant fact is the Palestinians can’t have everything they want.

Good for the goose, etc.: Danny Ayalon is right. If the Palestinians are third- and fourth-generation refugees, then so are the Jews who fled from Arab lands after the founding of Israel. Then Israel can make a one-for-one swap of the original refugees, and everything is settled. Will that happen? Sure, when pigs sprout wings and fly.

Fifteen miles on the Irani Canal: Just when you think the nutcases can’t get any nuttier, they give you something else to laugh at. Iran, Venezuela, and Nicaragua say they’re going to build a rival to the Panama Canal. Because it’s going to be so easy to build, just like it was to build the Panama Canal. Good luck with that, guys! (Well, at least it got me to find one of the songs from my childhood. Suzanne Vega covered it.)

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One Response to Thursday morning briefs

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    You’ve got it wrong, Meryl. That Palestinians are in refugee camps over sixty years after Israel’s independence is the most outrageous and pressing issue in the world and peace cannot be contemplated until their just and legitimate demands are satisfied.

    Bringing up Jewish refugees from Arab lands is “divisive.” Besides, the Jews of Arab countries were happy and content until the Zionist agitators roiled them up.

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