Friday briefs

Documenting Egyptian war crimes: But there won’t be a hue and cry over them, because they were committed against Israelis.

Wasted PR funds: The publisher and senior editors of the New York Times visited Ariel, the “settlement” city. My prediction: Won’t make a damned bit of difference, no matter how integrated Israeli Jews and Arabs are there.

Yeah, because it worked so well for Hong Kong: Apparently, the big Obama administration idea is to lease areas (for up to 99 years) in east Jerusalem and the West Bank from the Palestinians after the establishment of a state. See title.

How horrible is Sudan? This horrible: “We would prefer to die than be returned to Africa.” Netanyahu is offering to bribe pay African states millions of dollars to take back their refugees. I understand that Israel cannot accept illegal immigrants, but this has too many echoes of the Jewish past. And of course, the world utterly ignores these actual refugees, and keeps throwing money at faux Palestinian refugees that should now be citizens of the Arab nations to which they fled.

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One Response to Friday briefs

  1. Pablo Schwartz says:

    ah, the Egyptian/Israelis article reminds me of another piece of hidden history (hidden to me, at any rate ..). to wit, the 1970 war on Palestinians by the Arab Kingdom of Jordan and their Pakistani mercenaries led by (later dictator) General Zia. Moshe Dayan is quoted as saying: “King Hussein killed more Palestinians in eleven days than Israel could kill in twenty years.” In geopolitical terms, this is yet another reminder of how various states/people can be tragically mistaken about who their friends are. I have made no secret of my *vast* dislike of the Saudi Kingdom .. then to discover what an awful mess Pakistan is (in that unfortunate country it is common knowledge among the people that Daniel Pearl was murdered with the cooperation of Pakistan’s Taliban-friendly internal intelligence service).

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