Wednesday snarks

Um… what? Baby Assad is asking Mad Mahmoud to tone down his anti-Israel rhetoric? To postpone his visit to Lebanon? This can’t be a true story. I am not getting this at all. Syria is not serious about peace with Israel, in spite of the many assertions by idiots in the journalism and diplomatic world. And this part is just a head-scratcher:

According to the report, the Syrian leader asked the Iranian counterpart why he wanted to visit the region, in light of the exchange of diplomatic messages between the two countries.

The Iranian president explained that the visit was important due to the strategic significance of the Marjayoun area, adding that he viewed the entire area as Iran’s border with Israel.

Is the Dorktator worried that Lebanon is more of an Iranian puppet than a Syrian one? Is it a struggle for dominance there? And will the mainstream media report on that quote by Mad Mahmoud about Iran’s “border” with Israel? (Of course not. They’re too busy blaming Israel for Hezbollah’s rearmament.)

The victims who remain nameless in the MSM: Speaking of Lebanon, Lt. Mar Harari, daughter of the officer who was murdered by Lebanese snipers in an unprovoked attack while on Israeli territory (but blamed by the MSM for being on the Lebanese side) spoke to IDF reserves about their value to Israel. Captain Ezra Lakia is still injured and unable to serve, and will require months or years more of rehab, but that doesn’t matter—it was all Israel’s fault for having the nerve to prune trees out of the sightline so they could prevent attacks from Lebanon.

Say, Israel, can you renew the settlement freeze that didn’t really get Abbas to negotiate anyway? Seriously, let’s look at the order of events. Obama demands Israel freeze settlements. Clinton demands Israel freeze settlements. Then Abbas says he won’t even sit down to negotiations unless Israel freezes settlements. Israel freezes settlement construction, but Abbas says since it isn’t a total freeze, he won’t talk to Israel. The Palestinians instead have “indirect” negotiations, which do nothing. Finally, mere weeks before the freeze is set to expire, Abbas sits down with Netanyahu. Once. Then he spends the rest of the time saying that if the freeze expires, he’ll walk away from the talks. So, what does the US do? Try to get Israel to commit to the same exact thing as before, which didn’t work in the first place. And the AP, of course, is all too eager to put the onus on Israel (as is the rest of the media and the world). Because it worked so well last time.

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2 Responses to Wednesday snarks

  1. Joel says:

    Hopefully a Republican take over of the House (and also the Senate) can put a brake on Obama’s reckless naive policies.

  2. Eric J says:

    Perhaps the Optometrist is worried about creating an irresistibly target-rich environment in his house? Maybe he was recently sent some drone-taken photos of the back of his head?

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