Smacking down Obama on “smackdowns”

Barack Obama felt it necessary to chastise Linda McMahon for using the term “smackdown”:

“I understand she has promised a ‘smackdown’. That is what she said. And, look, there’s no doubt, I can see how somebody who’s been in professional wrestling would think that they’re right at home in the United States Senate – if they were watching some of the behavior that’s been going on. But the truth is – and Dick understands this – public service is not a game,” said Obama.

“At this moment, we are facing challenges we haven’t seen since the Great Depression. And facing serious challenges requires serious leaders,” added the president.

You are absolutely right, Mr. President. The Senaite is serious business.

When Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell laid out his opposition to Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination, someone in the chamber appeared to be moving around in his chair, gasping and rolling his eyes.

It was Sen. Al Franken.

We can’t possibly have someone using the term “smackdown”. It would lower the gravitas of the Sentate chambers. You know, the place where Franken sits?

Sometimes, these posts really write themselves.

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4 Responses to Smacking down Obama on “smackdowns”

  1. Herschel says:

    I am embarrassed to state that I live in the state of Minnesota that “elected” Franken by a mere 300 contested votes, and that these 300 bogus votes were enabled by a left wing secretary of state. I can also assure you that this travesty will be corrected in 2014!

  2. Dick Stanley says:

    The Senate ought to mandate that Franken only be allowed on the floor wearing a clown suit with a big red ball nose, a water-squirting bow tie and floppy shoes.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    What, and lower the serious tone of the “World’s Greatest Deliberative Body,” which can’t be bothered to actually read or debate the bills presented for their votes? What, do you think that Franken was a mere TV personality, a comedian with no political experience before he was elected? Oh, wait…

  4. Soccerdad says:

    Dick, he doesn’t already?

    It would be one thing if he were actually funny.

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