Why, yes, the site was down for a while

I was out enjoying the last day of summer with my favorite family. I had backwards dinner tonight—custard at Rita’s with Sarah and the kids, then dinner.

I bought a dining room set today. I won’t have it by the new year, but I will have it long before Passover. So it looks like I’m having a seder again.

Time to start deciding on which Haggadah to use. I no longer like the one I grew up with.

Three unbelievably gorgeous days in a row. Hot but not too hot, and almost no humidity—wow, what a great end to summer.

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2 Responses to Why, yes, the site was down for a while

  1. Gaia says:

    I am glad your blog is back.
    Always reading you…
    Happy Rosh Hashana to you Meryl!..

  2. ‘Twas a typo that killed the blog.

    I forgot to mention that in my post.

    Thanks Gaia.

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