The subtle anti-Israel bias of the mainstream media

Check out this description in an AP article about a 3,500-year-old Egyptian trading post. See if you can detect the incredibly subtle anti-Israel bias:

The settlement sheds light on ancient Egypt’s Second Intermediate Period (1600-1569 B.C.), when the Egyptian pharaohs were trapped between the Hyksos invaders of Asia in the north and a Nubian kingdom in the south. The oases and their trade routes were likely key to the survival of the Egyptian kingdom.

The ancient routes stretched from the Darfur region in Sudan through the oases and the Nile Valley up to the ancient Palestine and Syria, with long caravans of donkeys bringing wines, luxury goods and wealth along with them. It would at least be 1,000 years before the camel made its appearance.

Figured it out yet? “Ancient Palestine” did not exist in the timeframe the article is discussing. The Romans renamed Judea “Palestine” many centuries later. It would probably be more proper to call it the ancient Israel, or even Judea—but it sure as hell wasn’t known as “Palestine” 3,500 years ago.

This is how Israel becomes de-legitimized. The media chip away at Israel’s history, bit by bit by bit, until the anti-Israel voice drowns out the true history of the Middle East.

Darfur is a modern name. Sudan is a modern name. Israel is a modern name. One of these things, (according to the AP) however, is not like the other.

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