The mystery of the missing mew

Gracie recoveringA few weeks ago, I started wondering if Gracie was coming down with something again. About a year and a half ago, I took her to the vet’s on the strength of the fact that she no longer mewed or meowed or chirruped or made much noise at all. Gracie is the most talkative cat I’ve ever had. We have conversations. She mews or meows in answer to all manner of questions and comments. So when her mew became hoarse and cracked, I started thinking she might have something again. But she showed no symptoms until after she got her vaccinations last week. Then, well, she just slept. All day. All night. Barely moving out of her chosen sleeping place. Didn’t come downstairs in the evenings for her regular “Let’s annoy Mom while she’s watching TV” petting time. Didn’t come downstairs to wait for me while preparing the canned food she and Tig get in the morning. Didn’t, in fact, do the things that she always does. So I took her to the vet yesterday. She has a lighter touch of the bronchitis she had last January, but I was right: The missing mew means malady.

She actually started getting better yesterday. I was up at 5:30 due to the fun side of perimenopause (I’m talking to YOU, hot flashes), so I was thrilled to see her out of her cat bed, and happier to see her eat the quarter-can of food I gave each of them. Last night, she came downstairs and slept by my chair while I watched TV. Today, Miss Gracie is in fine form. She’s talking again, following me around, waiting for me on the bathroom vanity to be petted, sitting behind my chair while I work (in the square of sun, naturally) mewing for me to pet her from time to time—yep, I’ve got my old Gracie back. Unfortunately, I have eight more pills to shove down her throat over the next eight days, but at least I’ll know that by then the hoarseness will be gone and Gracie will be her usual chatty self. She won’t be the lump sleeping in the cat bed 23 hours a day. And may I say: Yay.

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6 Responses to The mystery of the missing mew

  1. annoyinglittletwerp says:

    Glad to hear that your pretty girl is back to her ‘normal’ self. Sasha’s part Siamese and never shuts up.
    Oh, and you’re going through perimenopause NOW?!!!
    I’ve been going through it for close to five years now…and I’ve still got 2 months before I turn 40!
    *runs away screaming*

  2. Pamela says:

    Oh Miss Gracie! Be good and take your meds so that nasty bug goes away!

    Perimenopause sucks rocks

  3. Herschel says:

    Whem my elderly Siamese Chico became ill two years ago I also had problems getting his pills down his throat. I found that the best way to get the job done was to smash the pill inbetween a heavy gauge small plastic sheet and then mix it into his wet food. It worked for him, hopefully it will for Gracie too.

  4. Well, I managed to get the pill down using the piller in one fell swoop today, so I’ve figured out that aspect of things. In the meantime, last night as I was relaxing downstairs, Princess Gracie stuck her head between the bars of the railing on the landing and issued her Imperius Mew, which, translated roughly means: “Slave, come upstairs and skritch my butt.”

    I think she’s all better.

  5. Elisson says:

    Cat-talk is such a mystery. Hakuna, formerly a quiet kitty, is now a lot more vocal, especially at night. It’s both amusing and a little disturbing…

  6. Rahel says:

    I’m so glad that Gracie is feeling better!

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