Andrew Sullivan and the anti-Israel narrative

Andrew Sullivan is mad, mad, MAD at Lee Smith for suggesting that Andy is stirring up the Jew haters out there.

But what his little essay reveals, it seems to me, is a panic that the discourse about Israel has indeed shifted in Washington. Thanks to the blogosphere and the taboo-breaking Walt-Mearsheimer book, we are having a discussion about US-Israel relations that is now out of the control of those who used to dictate its terms and police its boundaries.

They don’t like that, especially when some of the critics have very solid and long records of strong support for Israel, like myself and Peter Beinart. So they smear. Which suggests to me they’re worried that reason and realism may prevail.

Absolutely. Reason and realism shall prevail. Sort of like what Andy has this to say about Obama’s Israel policy:

On Israel, Obama was simply crushed by the pro-Israel lobby, and is now reduced to acting as Netanyahu’s puppet.

The president of the United States—the leader of the free world—is the puppet of the leader of the Jewish state. Gee. Why on earth would anyone think that Andy is resorting to anti-Semitic stereotypes?

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5 Responses to Andrew Sullivan and the anti-Israel narrative

  1. anon says:

    Actually, I consider Andy Sullivan a “Jew Hater” because he hates Jews. Uh not the “as-a-Jews” who spout the same nonsense he does. But then, most all of the “as-a-Jews” only seem to be “Jewish” when they are demonizing Israel. Otherwise, you never heard them mention their “Jewish” roots.

    But Andy certainly hates those Jews who, you know, are actually PROUD to be Jewish. And also actively support the idea that Jewish people are allowed to defend themselves against those who would hurt them.

    Because Walt and Beinart and Sullivan himself say the only “good” Jews are those who would willingly march themselves off to the camps.

    As my Jewish friends might say “Feh!”

    This is one Christian American who will never stop supporting Israel and its fight against extremism. Whether those extremists are religously or politically motivated.

    Am Yisroel Chai!

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Having looked at his objections to what Lee Smith said, it appears that Andrew Sullivan did not pay attention to the statement

    It is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool rather than speak and prove it

    Andrew Sullivan opened his mouth and proved it.

  3. Joel says:

    I really think that Randy Andy has gone insane due to the steroids and anti HIV cocktails he has been taking. Let him walk around with his boy friend arm-in-arm around any two bit West Bank or Gaza village or town and see how long the two of them would last.

  4. Licorne Negro says:

    “…especially when some of the critics have very solid and long records of strong support for Israel, like myself and Peter Beinart.” – They ever, ever, ever, ever have a very solid and long record of strong support for Israel. Or they are lying. =D
    For some reason, methinks the second option is right…

  5. Empress Trudy says:

    We really needn’t waste any more time on that enormous bag of wing. Sullivan is the typical jackass who would rather be hated than ignored. So ignore him.

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