Wednesday morning breifs—no, briefs

But I thought it was “traditionally Arab east Jerusalem”: The AP officially admits that Jerusalem did not belong to the Palestinians throughout history. In an article about a century-old grenade found in Jerusalem’s Old City, the AP writes:

Jerusalem’s Old City was controlled by the Ottoman Empire for 400 years before the British captured it in 1917. It has been the site of countless battles.

I am so totally quoting that back to them the next time they try to rewrite Jerusalem’s history as some kind of Palestinian heritage.

Hamas turns up the heat, world yawns: Don’t expect international condemnations as Hamas rounds up “collaborators” and tortures and kills them. If Israelis aren’t the ones responsible for Palestinian deaths, the world mostly ignores it.

An exercise in futility: Israel is going to hand in a second response to the UN’s biased Goldstone report. It won’t matter. The world now refers to the Goldstone report as the gold standard for Israeli “abuses.” Evidence that disproves it? Well, it’s obviously false. Just ask any Israel, ah, critic. That’s right. They’re not anti-Semites. They’re not even anti-Zionists. They’re anti-Israel when it misbehaves. Really. Just ask them.

War never solves anything. Oh, wait: Palestinians are finally starting to see the uselessness of fighting with Israel. Sixty-six percent of them don’t want Hamas to resume firing rockets at Israel. As for those claiming that Hamas would win new elections, maybe not. The poll says Abbas would win. Funny how the world doesn’t seem to care nearly as much about democratic elections now that Abbas refuses to hold them again. One man, one vote, one time—that’s the Palestinian way, apparently.

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One Response to Wednesday morning breifs—no, briefs

  1. zee says:

    Abbas may be in the 67th month of a 48 month term, but he’s predecessor died in the 10th year of a 7 year term. That makes it one of the palestinian’s most ancient traditions.

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