A lazy Caturday post

What’s under Meryl’s desk? Why, it’s Miss Gracie, sleeping belly-up. (And yes, she is in the way of my feet.)

Gracie asleep under my desk

But wait—where’s Tig?

On the bed, of course.

Tig asleep on the bed

Don’t bother me, man. I’m busy sleeping.

It’s a tough life, being a cat.

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4 Responses to A lazy Caturday post

  1. Rahel says:

    I detect a kitty tummy ripe for nuzzling, and a magic Maine Coon coat ripe for cuddling.

  2. Pamela says:

    I enjoy the kitty pics so much.

    Gracie and Tig are content.

  3. Herschel says:

    They are both wonderful katzes, and look very happy and well-fed!

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    And boy, does Gracie look well fed in that position. I could almost hear the purrs of content through the screen.

    “The man from the cat-detector van said his equipment could pick up a purr at fifty yards, and Gracie and Tig being such happy cats, they were a piece of cake.”

    Beware the Ministry of Housinge.

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