Lunchtime briefs

Palestinian spokesliars strike again; media complies: According to the AP, 15 civilians were hurt an an airstrike that targeted a Hamas training camp. Amazing, how many civilians were hanging around the Hamas training camp. Why, it’s almost as if the Palestinians were lying to the AP or something. But no, reporters always investigate the facts of the story. They don’t simply repeat propaganda.

The Fool Flotilla: Israel has asked the “activists” who are attempting to land their ships in Gaza to land them in Israel and send their supplies over land, through the crossings. The “activists,” of course, refuse. The IDF is now saying that their action is a provocation. Um—duh! By the way, here are some stats:

According to data provided by the security establishment, 100 trucks enter Gaza every day. Over the past few months, these trucks have delivered, among other things, over 1,200 tons of medicines and medical equipment, 155 tons of food, 2,900 tons of clothes and footwear and close to 17 million liters (about 3.85 million gallons) of diesel oil, the army said.

But don’t let that interfere with the narrative. Gazans are starving! And homeless! And without medical supplies!


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2 Responses to Lunchtime briefs

  1. soccer dad says:

    In addition to what the Israelis are allowing in, there apparently is plenty also getting in via the smuggling tunnels, as prices for luxuries are falling!

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Once again, Meryl, you are displaying your failure to grasp the special nuances necessary to understand the Middle East. Letting in a hundred trucks a day is a blockade if the Palestinians would rather have a hundred and one. That’s why you unsubtle westerners don’t understand that if Hamas is lobbing fewer missiles it’s a cease-fire which Israel then breaks by responding. And when Israel does so, the cause is not attempts to kill school children, it’s laid to “the cycle of violence that besets this war-torn land.”

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