Happy Monday briefs

If Israel did this, there’s be ten UN resolutions about it: Hamas beat residents out of their own homes and then razed the buildings. Why? Because Hamas says the homes were built on land the Palestinians don’t own. Hm. Double hm. Let’s remember that next time an illegal Palestinian building is destroyed by Israel. Oh, yeah—Hamas says it’s not done yet. Watch for no outcry from the usual suspects.

The fabled Islamic brotherhood: Egyptian border guards murdered yet another African refugee. This one was named in the article: Adam Ali Muhammed. I guess that famouse Islamic brotherhood doesn’t reach to cover black Africans fleeing the crisis in Darfur. But then, we already knew that. (And Israeli is called the racist state. Shyeah.)

France and Syria, sittin’ in a tree: France is cozying up to the Dorktator by backing his surrogates in Lebanon. While on a trip to thank French UNIFIL soldiers for doing such a great job in Lebanon (yes, really), the French defense minister said that he has no information on Scud missiles, but Israel is welcome to share its intel with France. Yeah, that’ll work. The French defense minister will at a later date be heard to day “I am shocked, shocked, that there are Scud missiles in Lebanon.”

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One Response to Happy Monday briefs

  1. anonymous says:

    The ever-hapless Palestinians can try putting up lifesize Rachel Corrie dolls in front of their houses to keep the bulldozers away.

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