Wednesday SNB

Weapons? What weapons? The man who organized the collection of thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition for Yasser Arafat was finally convicted by an Israeli court. He maintains that he was innocent, of course. He was just the guy who paid the PA salaries, you see. He’s also one of the Palestinian prisoners that the IDF raided out of the prison in Jericho before the PA was going to release him. Sucks to be him today.

Doesn’t matter, the world will still cry war crimes when the buildings go down. The IDF is going to tell Palestinians exactly when the missile strikes will come in order to precipitate fewer civilian casualties. Unbelievable. Is there any other nation in the world that tries so hard not to harm civilians? Of course not. Does this mean that Israel will be commended for these actions? Of course not.

So what if he’s a terrorist? He’s a teacher too, isn’t he? A Canadian university hired a man who is under house arrest on terrorism charges to teach a class at university this summer. Because hey, just because he’s fighting extradition on terrorism charges to France doesn’t mean that he can’t collect a salary teaching young, impressional minds, right? Wrong. After Canada’s B’nai B’rith protested, the university decided that perhaps they should have someone else teach the course.

Peace Now: Always striking the right chord. You know, the group really is full of idiots. On Erev Tisha b’Av, the eve of the commemoration of the destruction of the Temples, Peace Now is going to hang posters all over Jerusalem, saying that settlements are going to destroy the Third Temple. Nice. Because that’s going to really change people’s minds, isn’t it? (Insert Standard Eye Roll #34 here.)

Boy, were we wrong about that disengagement thing! A new poll out says that 68% of Israelis who supported disengagement changed their minds. Yeah, good luck getting Israel out of Ma’ale Adumim, Obama.

Obama to America: Still lying about healthcare reform. Really, does this man ever stop? Now he’s trying to sell his plan as one that will protect consumers. Right. It will protect us by forcing us into a single-payer system, just like his idols in Canada and Europe. Here’s what he wants now:

Insurers would be barred from refusing coverage because of pre-existing conditions, scaling back insurance for people who fall very ill, charging more for services based on gender, and placing caps on coverage.

Oh, that won’t raise prices at all. And on that pre-existing conditions thing: I had to wait six months for a pre-existing condition to be covered by my insurance plan when I went from having none for several years to having insurance again. Anyone out there ever been barred completely—and forever—by insurance companies for a pre-existing condition? Mind you, I’m all for reform of that one. But it can be done without passing ObamaCare.

This entry was posted in Iran, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics, Terrorism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Wednesday SNB

  1. meryl… not to nitpick too much.
    Canada did NOT hire the terrorist at Carleton University.
    Carleton did that all by itself. you see the original prof got sick and the university searched high and low for a replacement before finding the murderous professor. NOT.

    by the way… the university has now fired him.

    Carleton has a long history of anti semitism.. that was the universtiy where bibi was prevented from speaking(when he was in opposition)

  2. Meryl Yourish says:

    Good point. I’ll change the post. However, I did say he was fired, only in less direct terms in the last line of the item.

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    I remember when I was first getting insurance, pregnancy was not covered if it had started before the insurance took effect. Some employers used the fact that they would cover a pregnant wife as an incentive to get the husband to accept a job. Many employers accept a pre-existing condition if the person had been covered with the previously. They do this so that they can get the employee to hire on.

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