More Cairo dividends: Hamas says pressure Israel

Hamas refuses to disarm, refuses to stop terror, refuses to renounce “resistance,” refuses to recognize Israel, and still maintains its anti-Semitic and Israel-denying charter, but Hamas is stepping up to applaud the U.S. for pressuring Israel, and calls for even more pressure on Israel.

Leader Khaled Mashaal’s endorsement of Obama’s push also included an appeal for the international community to consider Hamas a “positive element” in the search for Middle East peace.

“There is a new language from President Obama, but we expect real pressure on Israelis,” Mashaal said. “There are demands Israel stop the settlements but this is not the price we are after … Although it’s an essential step.”

[…] “Hamas would be a positive element in helping with a solution that is fair to the Palestinian people and enables them to realize their rights,” Mashaal said. “Hamas will not be an obstacle. Everyone knows that the obstacle is Israel.”

Because, yes, Hamas is not the obstacle. The rockets raining down on Israel? Well, they’ve stopped, haven’t they? Terror attack? Gee, that wasn’t Hamas. You see, the problem is Israeli settlements.

The sharks smell blood in the water. Way to go, Obama! You’ve taught them the language of the blame-Israel crowd.

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