Nasrallah blames Israel for all the ills of the region

These are the words of the man who, in the coming months, you can expect the EU, UN, and left-leaning US crowd to call for Israel to negotiate with. Because Hezbollah, they will say, is moderating. Or because Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese government, and it can no longer be ignored.

These are his words:

In a speech on occasion of the 61st anniversary of the occupation of Palestine broadcast on Monday, Secretary General of Hezbollah Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said the Israeli entity which is based on usurpation, massacres, displacement and occupation isn’t a legitimate entity and cannot be legitimate in any way.

Nasrallah affirmed that the Israeli entity is the cause of all wars, disasters and crises in the region, forcing the past, current and future generations to bear the repercussions and effects of this tumor festering in the region.

He stressed that the wars that happened in the region were imposed by this entity, and that the actions of the region’s governments, peoples, armies and resistance movements were reactions to the occupation of Palestine, which is the source of conflict in the Middle East, with the enemy counting on the Palestinian cause being forgotten and on forcing the Palestinian people to despair and abandon their land and rights.

If someone can explain to me how you can reach an agreement with the man who spoke those words, I’d appreciate it. Because from where I’m sitting, the only agreement you can reach with Nasrallah is the business end of a hellfire missile.

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One Response to Nasrallah blames Israel for all the ills of the region

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    How you can reach an agreement with such a man? Not at all. How everyone can tell Israel that it only requires more concessions from it before you can reach an agreement with this man? Easy; just operate under the assumption that he doesn’t really mean what he says, that he is amenable to reason and will bargain towards a mutually acceptable detail. If Israel doesn’t engage in talks with him, Israel’s intransigence is clearly the stumbling block.

    Tell me that this isn’t what is going to happen.

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