Netanyahu charms Obama; Arab world fuming

Toldja so. Here are some of the things that leaped out at me during the news conference: Bibi noticeably did not declare that he would work towards a Palestinian state. Obama mentioned the Road Map and “discussions at Annapolis,” but did not mention the Saudi plan. Obama said that the Arab states have to start showing movement instead of making the same demands over and over again. He said that Iran must not be allowed to get nuclear weapons. Netanyahu mentioned that Obama said no options are off the table, which is exactly what George W. Bush said.

Right now, lefties all over the world are picking their jaws up from the floor. The Iranians and Arabs are fuming. Obama has signalled quite clearly that there will be no major shift in America’s policy on Israel.

Today was a good day for U.S.-Israel relations. It was a really bad day for the Stephen Walts of the world.

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4 Responses to Netanyahu charms Obama; Arab world fuming

  1. AreaMan says:

    Who’s zooming who?

    Obama, ever the pragmatist, might make an adjustment at any time. We’ll see what happens.

    Perhaps if we are righteous, Gd will smile on all of us.

  2. hs935684 says:

    I wish I were as optimistic as you are, Meryl. I think that Obama is just waiting for the first opportunity to put the screws to Israel. I hope you’re right.

  3. Eric J says:

    Obama saying what I want to hear worries me far more than Obama supporting something I’m against.

  4. John M. says:

    Looks like Barry might actully know what side his bread’s buttered on. “I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you”.

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