Religion of peace and tolerance closes only synagogue left in Indonesia

Those tolerant Muslims are showing the world just how tolerant they really are.

Gaza war fuels anti-Israeli anger in Indonesia
Islamic hard-liners enraged by Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip marched to the synagogue’s gates chanting, “Go to hell Israel!”

The only Jewish religious site in the world’s most populous Muslim state — which has no rabbi and only a few followers — then closed its doors.

Across Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan, sentiments are running high about the conflict, fueled by disturbing TV footage of Palestinian casualties.

“This is the way to show our solidarity for the Palestinian people and to condemn the Israeli attacks,” said Abdusshomad Buchori, a local leader of the Ulema Council, which is pushing for the permanent closure of Beth Hashem synagogue in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second-largest city.

“If Israel refuses to stop its attacks and oppression of the Palestinian people, we don’t need to defend (the synagogue’s) presence here,” said Buchori, who led about 100 hard-liners to the synagogue, where they burned an Israeli flag.

Because it’s not anti-Semitism, it’s anti-Zionism, right? That’s right. Because the AP calls it anti-Israel anger, it must be so.

The woman who has run the synagogue since the 1970s went underground after the Jan. 7 incident, in which Buchori also threatened to drive any remaining Jews out of town.

Let’s not be modest. They really want to kill them.

And here’s an example of the AP really reaching to make two things that are not alike just the same:

The incident was not unique: An outlet of the American fried chicken chain KFC was shut on Sulawesi island after protesters upset with Washington’s Middle East policies hurled chairs and overturned tables. And thousands have rallied in the capital, Jakarta, waving Palestinian flags and shouting insults outside the U.S. Embassy.

Right, because shutting down the sole remaining synagogue in the world’s most populous Muslim state is just like shutting down a KFC. Or waving flags and shouting insults.

In the one case, you’re threatening Jews because Israel is the Jewish State, thus giving Indonesian Jews the mantle of collective behavior that Muslims so love to shed when it comes to blaming all Muslims for the violent behavior of some. And in the other cases, well, you’re yelling at a fried chicken shop and an embassy. Yeah. Those things are exactly alike.

This is a frightening time to be Jewish, no matter where in the world you live.

In every generation, they rise up against us, but the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hands.

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5 Responses to Religion of peace and tolerance closes only synagogue left in Indonesia

  1. Vaultenblogger says:

    “One of those things is not like the others, one of those things doesn’t belong…”

  2. cliff was from montreal says:

    So using that amazing islamic logic that these 7’th century troglodytes are so famous for, it’s safe to assume that it’s perfectly ok for us Jews to attack any mosque in the world when theses islamic thugs desecrate Jewish property.
    What a sorry bunch of bigoted racist anti-semite morons they are.
    islam is the religion of hate and despair, no doubt about it.

  3. annoyinglittletwerp says:

    Though I left Judaism for Christianity I have NO DOUBT about what those that want to destroy Israel and the Jewish people would consider me.
    As my mother put it “When they line me up against that wall you’ll be right next to me”-as will my half-Jewish son.
    No-I have not forgotten where I came from.
    Am Yisrael Chai!

  4. Alex Bensky says:

    Indeed in every generation they rise up against us. Usually we had to depend on the Holy One to save us and for purposes that may be his own, he usually didn’t get around to it.

    The difference today is that we have certain other resources and they’re often quite effective even though they bother people who, as Golda Meri once remarked, would prefer a “liberal, anti-colonialist, anti-militaristic, dead Jewish people.”

    Acting rather than being acted upon does entail a certain loss of virtue that comes with being unable to make choices and indubitably, power often requires actions that depart from our finest ideals.

    Think of the moral merit Israel would have accrued by letting Hamas rocket it as opposed to the opprobrium it has received by reacting strongly and sharply. It’s certainly a loss of virtue; personally, I’m OK with that.

  5. Some of us see the hand of G-d in the failure of Hamas to score more than a few hits with those thousands of rockets. Particularly the ones hitting cities without bomb shelters.

    Yes, the old joke about the Jew in the flood waiting for G-d to send him help is true. That’s why Sderot and the southern communities have built shelters and fortified rooms. But when a rocket scores a direct hit on a multi-story apartment building and hurts no one, I see the hand of G-d.

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