We are… what?

At the beginning I just wanted to lift the picture from this post by Andrew Ian Dodge:

But then, the whole post has to be repeated, so here it goes:

Stating your objection to something Israel does is your right, though I will probably disagree with you. However, if you lead a rally with signs like this, don’t act shocked when people consider you a jew-hating scumbag like the rest of Hamas. It would actually help if you realised that: 1. Hamas was elected to run Gaza 2. Hamas clearly states they hate all Jews and want to see Israel wiped of their face of the earth…its in their charter. 3. Hamas are not keen on gays (they kill them), have brought back crucifixion and don’t like women much either.

And the hilarious:

Update: Are these the most clueless Hamas supporters ever?

Cross-posted on SimplyJews.

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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5 Responses to We are… what?

  1. Terrorist supporters demonstrating outside Buckingham Palace. Churchill must be rolling in his grave.

  2. Rahel says:

    Such stupidity boggles the mind.

  3. QUIT is definately a special category of clueless. They’ve been around for years now, and somehow they keep rolling.

  4. Alex Bensky says:

    When I first came across their website I thought it was one of those joke sites, like the now moribund Lake Michigan Whale Watching page or this: http://www.dhmo.org.

    But it isn’t and as sort of a hobby I’ve watched them twist themselves trying to feel progressive and radical while supporting people who, if allowed to, would kill them.

  5. I specifically wrote it in response to a defence I recieved on Twitter when I railed against Annie Lennox for being @ the head of that march (or there at all).

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