Signs of the times: Praying from bomb shelters

Saturday is probably going to be a heavy rocket day. Israel’s Homefront Command realizes this, and is advising Jews to attend only fortified synagogues.

Rockets also landed throughout the evening in Ashkelon, Beersheba, and the Gaza vicinity communities, and the Homefront Command ordered residents of the south to refrain from attending Saturday prayer services at synagogues without fortified rooms or bomb shelters.

Perhaps it’s time to move southerners north, the reverse of what happened in 2006. The ground war is going to happen. Why give Hamas more targets?

Side note: Name a single other nation in which houses of worship have to have rooms fortified against rocket attacks.

Just one.

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4 Responses to Signs of the times: Praying from bomb shelters

  1. God knows there are some folks in the Congo right now who could stand to have their churches fortified against attack.

    Israel, thank God, has the means to defend.

  2. TMA says:

    Well, Gaza, recently, though the fortified rooms would be the ones in which the munitions are being kept.

  3. Israel; This American Christian is praying for your safety, and watching closely as the cult known as Islam continues its path of peace. God Bless the IAF, and may they see clearly enough to use their bombs to oblige the Hamasians their request to meet Allah.
    nuf sed

  4. Alison Ramer says:

    I’m waiting for the day when we don’t have to build bombs or bomb shelters.

    Until then a 40 second missile warning and my bomb shelter bedroom is going to have to suffice.


    More from the homeland, even when it’s a warzone:

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