Majel Barrett, 1932-2008

Majel Barrett has died.

My favorite of all her roles—and I’m sure there will be many of you out there utterly horrified by this—was Lwaxana Troi. The intergalactic Jewish mother—what’s not to love?

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5 Responses to Majel Barrett, 1932-2008

  1. SheageDar says:

    +1 :)

  2. Lwaxana is one of the finest Jewish moms on TV ever…ahhh. Mrs. Roddenberry will be missed.

  3. Elisson says:

    “She’s dead, Jim.”


  4. Soccerdad says:

    Star Trek has been the anti-Bewitched of 60’s shows. Except for the actress who played Tabitha, every single star of Bewitched (including both Darrens) died at young ages. I think that Agnes Moorehead might have lived to the oldest age.

    However Star Trek stars have had remarkable longevity. James Doohan and DeForest Kelley lived into their 80’s. Majel Barrett Roddenberry lived to 75.

  5. Uh… while 62 isn’t very old, it isn’t all that young, either. Elizabeth Montgomery was felled by cancer. Dick Sargent was 64. Dick York was 66. I think you’re either thinking of another show, or are falling for an urban legend.

    Snopes can cure you of that.

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