IDF to Hamas: We’re not fighting the last war

Ynet quotes a senior IDF official who says that Israel is fighting the next war, while Hamas is fighting the last one.

However, officials made it clear that should Hamas and other groups continue to fire rockets and mortar shells at Israel, the IDF will weigh the use of gradual force, in a different format than it did before.

The senior security official told Ynet that the preparations for a new model of operations have been recently completed.

“The coming days will be days of longing on the part of Hamas, and days of wait for us,” he said. “They will attempt to test us, and we will make it clear to them that it’s not worth their while to continue.”

While I look forward to seeing Hamas get ripped to shreds, I’m afraid that I have to say: I’ll believe it when I see it.

Words are cheap. That’s why rockets are raining down on Israel. We’re back to the same-old, same-old.

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4 Responses to IDF to Hamas: We’re not fighting the last war

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    No “gradual force”. That merely gives the enemy time to adjust to your operations. Hammer blows.

  2. Next war, last war? I’d be happy if the Israeli government would allow the IDF to fight, period.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    I would hesitate to substitute my judgment for that of the IDF but I think Michael Lonie is quite correct–the experience with gradual force tends to show that it’s a poor idea. It allows the enemy to regroup and adjust itself.

    Generally, the best way to end a war favorably is by the application of massive and immediate force that does not allow the enemy to absorb attacks.

    There’s another consideration for Israel: Israel is going to be almost universally condemned for whatever it does. The way to minimize the political damage is to inflict it as quickly as practical and at least reduce the team the world media will devote to yet another vicious, Nazi-like Israeli action.

  4. Israel turned Gaza over to the Palestinian’s in hopes of ending the suicide bombings and rocket attacks. It was not all that long ago Arafat and the Palestinian’s were offered Statehood for Palestine but it was rejected because they wanted half of Jerusalem. Every other demand of the Palestinians was met.

    As history shows us the Palestinians are not interested in Statehood or peace. Their objective is to wipe the Israelis from the face of the planet in the name of Allah. Ahmadinejad the President of Iran has publicly exposed this same official policy; not gonna happen!

    The Palestinian’s elected Hamas as their government, great the people have spoken. Hamas the Palestinian state is sending rockets and suicide bombers to kill Israeli citizens.

    Wake up this is no longer terrorism; this is war. The Palestinian’s are not victims, they are cowards hiding their faces when shown on television. Killing in the name of Allah and Muslim Radical Fundamentalism is obscene and a crime against humanity. What the @#!&* gives Muslims the right to kill people just because they do not believe in Allah.

    Would the United States government or it’s citizen’s accept incoming rockets/mortars or suicide bombers coming from Mexico or Canada? I think you can answer this question and what our response would be.

    My reply radical Muslims, if your in the United States get the @#$!* out. Your the group who is racist and refuses to assimilate to America but in turn reaps all the benefits of our society while spitting in our faces.

    Hammas the ELECTED Palestinian government is 100% responsible for the killing of innocent Israeli’s and that of their own people. Why do you think Hamas puts their so called “security centers in densely populated areas?” So the media will have their story and they can advance their cause through their twisted portrayal of themselves as victims.

    I may be a little simplistic in my thinking but when you pick a fight with someone and just because you get your ass kicked that does not make you the victim. The aggressor is the aggressor and nothing changes that fact.

    My message to the Israeli government and the people of Israel; do not appease these cowards. Hit them hard and again ten fold until they stop these unprovoked attacks. Eventually they will learn, but only through overwhelming force you can and must demoralize these radical Muslim fanatics.

    If you need help call upon me, I will fight with you in your military for the State of Israel because your War is just and clear.

    Houston Texas
    United States Air Force Veteran

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