Pretend truce is officially over

The fantasy truce—the one where it’s okay to launch a few hundred rockets, instead of thousands—has been officially declared over by Hamas, and of course, it’s not their fault. It’s Israel’s.

Hamas on Thursday declared the end of a six-month-old Egyptian-brokered ceasefire with Israel in the Gaza Strip, raising the prospect of an escalation in cross-border fighting.

“The calm, which was reached with Egyptian sponsorship on June 19 and expires on December 19, is finished because the enemy did not abide by its obligations,” said Hamas member Ayman Taha, who represented the group in talks with other Palestinian factions. “The calm is over.”

The European Union finally noticed the rocket fire and demanded that it stop. But not until it had the chance to tell Israel to stop defending herself, first.

The European Union, in a statement, called Thursday for an “immediate cessation” of both rocket fire and Israeli incursions.

I swear, I don’t really have to write new posts. I can just go back to my archives and reprint posts I wrote years ago. Nothing’s changed. Only a couple of the names of the players.

How is it that the EU can never get up the energy to condemn Hamas rocket fire until after Israel fires back at the terrorists? Really. Let’s think. Why is it that Jewish self-defense causes Europeans such anxiety? Hm.

Sorry, the only reason I can come up with is anti-Semitism, but Europe murdered or drove out most of its Jews sixty years ago, so that can’t be the case. Right? Right?


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3 Responses to Pretend truce is officially over

  1. oscar banduzzy says:

    For God’s sake, Log base 10 response people.

    1 rocket inbound results in 10 rockets their way.

    2 inbound 100 back at ’em.

    They just don’t realize they’ve lost, and until they totally capitulate you’ll get NO peace over there.

  2. Jon Brooks says:

    Oscar is of course right on. But way to mild. Only a surrender of WW2 proportions brought about by WW2 style fighting would ever lead to their surrender. But no-one has the courage for that any have to wait and let it escalate till the whole dang world is involved and possibly several billion die. Gee I guess the wait will be worth it ..just kidding:)

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    The EU has called equally on Israel and Hamas to show restraint. Israel might; Hamas won’t. Who will get blamed for the escalation of violence? Guess?

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