A moment of Monday joy

I would just like to report that I have never been happier to mistake the date for an appointment.

The root canal is tomorrow morning, not today.

Good thing I called to double-check.

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2 Responses to A moment of Monday joy

  1. John M. says:

    Ouch. So a root canal is a real procedure huh? I always suspected it was just a metaphor ;-).

    Good luck.

  2. I’ve had them before. They were no great shakes, until I had one in a molar that had an extra root.

    That was the one I chose to refuse painkillers for, as none of my previous root canals had bothered me beyond an hour or two afterward.

    This time, I declined to have it done on Friday morning just in case I need a prescription.

    Don’t get me wrong—I actually hate all painkillers except for the aspirin/ibuprofen/acetominephine trio. I don’t like feeling stupid, and painkillers make me extremely stupid. But if I do need them, I want the option.

    This time, though, I think Tylenol is my biggest option. I’m on anti-inflammatories due to inheriting the family arthritis, just discovered this year. No Advil for me.

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