IAEA: Syrian nuke site was, gee, a nuke site

Even the IAEA can’t hide the facts. Enriched uranium traces were found in soil samples from the Syrian site that Israel bombed:

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) found uranium at an alleged secret Syrian nuclear reactor site that was bombed by Israel last year, a diplomat told Deutsche Presse-Agentur in Vienna on Monday.

Another diplomat indicated that IAEA inspectors had found traces of the metal during their first visit to the al-Kibar site in the Syrian desert in June, which was bombed by Israeli warplanes in September 2007. “It wasn’t natural uranium,” the Western diplomat said, adding that this indicated it might have been enriched.

Gee. Unnatural traces of uranium. Boy, that’s a funny thing to have at a building that was, uh, what was the cover story again? (Like it matters.) Looks like Baby Assad is going to have some ‘splainin’ to do.

Not that he will. The world is giving him a pass.

Wait for the usual suspects to insist it’s a Zionist plot.

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