Hamas manufactures Gaza blackouts—again

Gaza is experiencing blackouts, and of course, Hamas is blaming Israel.

Gaza residents are experiencing sporadic electricity blackouts, and Palestinian officials are blaming Israel for cutting off fuel shipments to their power plant.

Israeli military administration spokesman Peter Lerner says the Palestinians warned their Gaza City electricity plant would run out of fuel Monday if shipments aren’t resumed. He said the shipments were stopped last Wednesday because of Palestinian rocket attacks.

Kanan Obeid, chairman of Gaza’s Hamas-run Energy Authority, also said the Strip would be plunged into total darkness unless the fuel shipments are resumed.

According to him, one of the power plant’s turbines has already been deemed inoperative, and the remaining turbines will stop functioning on Monday.

This will doubtless be picked up by the world media in pretty much the same manner the AP picked it up. Even though they know full well that Hamas has been stealing fuel, regulating the passage of fuel through the tunnels, and, in fact, has laid a pipeline from Egypt to carry fuel into Gaza.

Arab sources report that Hamas recently laid a pipeline for supplying the blockaded Gaza Strip with fuel from Egypt.

In a move that indicates that Hamas is trying to place the smuggling operation between Egyptian and Palestinian Rafah on an official footing, the pipeline was laid in one of several tunnels dug specifically for this purpose.

So why, exactly, are the lights going out in Gaza?

Because Hamas has found that the world media is willing to go along with its lies and, indeed, actually helps to spread these lies even though they know they are lies.

Actually, I’m surprised this faux blackout hasn’t become bigger news. Let’s wait until tomorrow and see what happens. Perhaps the Obamedia is still hung over from Tuesday’s celebrations.

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One Response to Hamas manufactures Gaza blackouts—again

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Considering that Hamas is making war on Israel and constantly saes that it fully intends to destroy Israel and commit genocide on the Jews, I don’t see why Israel should do diddly-squat to send anything into Gaza. Doubly so when you consider that the Palis are deadbeats who don’t pay the bills for the electricity etc. that Israel sends their way. Cut them off completely.

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