Oh, well.

I thought Virginia would pull it out. But the blue counties in NorVA were too much to overcome.

Looks like Obama is going to be the nation’s most inexperienced president ever.

And I promise to give him just as much respect as the Daily Kos denizens have given to President George W. Bush these last eight years.

On the bright side, I’m going to have tons of material to blog about. Are you ready for King Obama the First?

Meantime, back to work for me.

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13 Responses to Oh, well.

  1. Russ says:

    In some ways, his unwillingness to lead may be a good thing. Gotta root for those senate races, now.

  2. Sandee says:

    I’ll check back with you in 2 years and see how much better your life is now that Obama is President!

  3. Neil G says:


    I am definitely with you on this one. As far as I am concerned his name is not even Barack Obama but PINO. President In Name Only. My biggest hope however is that American Blacks are not as stupid as my fellow Jews and they come to realize that electing someone who is chiefly loyal to european social philosophies that have never worked is as far as you can get from electing someone who represents you no matter how much he/she may seem to be like you on the surface. A socialist is loyal to socialism and the Europeans that begot it.

    Hopefully, in the coming 4 years we can make life miserable for our phony so-called Jewish leadership that have sold us out to Obama. Between people like me on one flank and the anti-semitic Obamacrats on the other they should have a lonely future.

  4. Soccerdad says:

    I find it hard to be gracious. This is Israel in 1999.

  5. Elisson says:

    You know, after the Clusterfuck That Was George W. Bush, maybe Obama will surprise us and actually be a leader.

    Let’s hope so. I’d be happy with Clinton Redux, but I’d hate another Jimmah.

  6. physics geek says:

    And I promise to give him just as much respect as the Daily Kos denizens have given to President George W. Bush these last eight years.

    Ditto. And I’m as surprised as you at the outcome in this state. Such is life, I guess.

  7. Jeff says:

    At least John McCain was gracious in defeat.

  8. Pamela says:

    Get ready to hide your money in your mattress, buried in the backyard or moved offshore.

    On a side note, Michelle Obama’s dress looks like the underside of a blackwidow spider.

  9. Bob says:

    So Barack has come to the capitol riding a donkey. (You know he’s not the first messiah to do that. And like that first one, this messiah probably ought to be wary of those who throw down palm branches and shout “Hosanna!” at his inaugural parade.)

  10. Dave Katz says:


    I read you blog a lot and I am shocked at some of the bitter remarks made here. We are better than that. Please don’t stoop to that level, you have too much class. I don’t think we can blame Obama for the nutcases on the left, but maybe I am being naive. I merely look at this as a milestone in our nation’s history that we have elected a non-white as our President before all those elitist Europeans!

  11. Sabba Hillel says:

    We survived four years of Carter and, if G-d has not decided that it is time, we can survive four years of Obama. Carter and his idiocies led to Reagan and the fall of the Soviet Union, perhaps Palin is the new Reagan or there is someone else ready to save this country in four years.

    Hopefully, the country will learn the lesson we are about to face and the congressional elections in two years will end the triumverate.

  12. Alex Bensky says:

    “And I promise to give him just as much respect as the Daily Kos denizens have given to President George W. Bush these last eight years.”

    Gee, Meryl, I didn’t know you were a racist, “racist” about to be defined as “critical of President Obama.”

  13. shira0607 says:

    I look forward to your future posts. I love this country!

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