The Hamas putsch continues

See if you can find the most interesting viewpoint in this article. Yes, you’ll have to read it through first. But here’s the basics: The AP is detailing how Hamas will refuse to recognize a change to the Palestinina Basic Law that extends Mahmoud Abbas’ term as president.

Hamas will cease to recognize Mahmoud Abbas as Palestinian president after Jan. 8 and replace him with one of its own leaders, according to a resolution approved by the Islamic movement’s legislators Monday.

The Hamas resolution demands that Abbas issue a decree by Wednesday to hold new presidential elections within three months, to coincide with what Hamas says is the end of his term.

[…] If Hamas does withdraw recognition from Abbas, it would sever another link between the two sides and also undermine Abbas’ legitimacy in the eyes of many Palestinians.

Okay, got the gist of it? Hamas, the terrorist group that took over the Gaza Strip in a wave of violent attacks that included throwing bound Fatah members off buildings, rocketing civilian homes, and resulted in over 100 dead Palestinians, including, of course, women and children—yeah, that Hamas is pretending to care about the legitimacy of a law that they never followed in the first place except to put their people in place to take over. And the AP repeats their lies uncritically. Get a load of how they describe the Hamas takeover. Remember, over 100 Palestinians were killed. Think about how they’d describe an action in which over 100 Palestinians were killed by the IDF, and then read this:

Hamas has been in control of Gaza since its violent takeover of the territory in June 2007, leaving Abbas only in charge of the West Bank.

Media bias? Media bias? What anti-Israel media bias? Whitewashing Palestinian terrorism? Come on. You’re imagining it.

All of this is prelude to Hamas’ attempt to take over the West Bank and encircle Israel. I know they want to try. I don’t think they’re going to be allowed to succeed. The IDF may have removed a few checkpoints in the West Bank, but the West Bank isn’t Gaza. Hamas won’t have such an easy time of it. The really sick thing is that I can see Israeli soldiers being put at risk to effectively save Fatah’s collective ass. Then agian, it is in Israel’s interest not to let the West Bank fall to the terrorists. The overt terrorists, anyway.

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