Today’s moment of kitty zen

Meryl’s new sheets, decorated with cats.

First, Mr. Tig, who found something to do while I was in the shower yesterday.

Tig asleep on the bed

Then Miss Gracie, who wants you all to know that she looks even more beautiful on my new sheets than does Mr. Tig.

Gracie on the pillow

That’s the chiropractic foam pillow I got. Apparently, it works for cats as well as people. (Works really well, too, since I got my foam-topped mattress. I don’t wake up with a neckache any more.)

My new bed is really working out for all three of us. But I wish they’d paid their fair share.

Oh, okay. Tig plays on the bed and makes me laugh every day. Gracie jumps up for her evening or morning bellyrub (though she’s not quite there yet; she lies down and then gets up immediately). And I suppose I can’t count getting woken up by Tig playing with my feet this morning. After all, I apparently moved under the covers while sleeping. Silly me. Either that, or he found the ping-pong ball I took away from him at midnight last night and stowed under the blanket.

But it’s okay. I get even. I wake them up when they’re sleeping. It’s only fair.

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2 Responses to Today’s moment of kitty zen

  1. Rahel says:

    What a tempting, fuzzy tummy! And those little pink paw pads… help, I’m in love….

    Gracie looks so regal. I’d love to pay her the appropriate tribute in skritches.

  2. Mog says:

    Skritches and belly rubs, just what they need. Tig is too cute and Gracie just gorgeous.

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