Morning Tig report

The good news is Tig slept through the night, thus allowing me to do the same. The bad new is yes, I’m allergic to my new cat. He makes me itch. I’m washing my hands a lot and waiting for my body to kick in whatever the anti-allergens are called. The worst news is he likes to lick me, and the saliva is where the allergens are. Oh, well. It’s hard to be annoyed about getting kitty kisses.

Boy, can he eat. I’m going to try not to overfeed this one. (Shyeah, that’ll work.) He is also a major slob when he eats. I have to get a large placemat for him today.

I bought him one of those spring-toys, a puffy ball at the end of a four-inch spring. He likes it. He also likes the four sponge balls I bought him. And he plays with literally everything in my office, including my toes. He can jump and climb like crazy. I have to completely re-think the way my apartment is set up. Eight-week old kittens don’t understand “No.”

He has a little chirrup that he makes when he’s concerned or lonely. And a very, very loud meow when he wants attention. He misses his brothers and sisters, poor thing. I wish I could have taken two of them. But I can’t. Three’s too many for me, and Gracie would be odd cat out. Not fair to her.

He likes to attack my feet. With or without socks on.

He is so far uninterested in the desk and computer.

And he has made me smile. And laugh. And laugh. And laugh.

Time to go play with my new kitten. He’s bored.

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2 Responses to Morning Tig report

  1. John M. says:

    Yeah, the foot-attacking thing seems to be a perennial kitten favorite.

  2. Quasi says:

    I was quite a foot biter when I was young, too.

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