Six more things about me

Damian decided that I need to tell my readers six more things about me. It’s a meme. You’re supposed to tell six unimportant things about yourself or your habits, then tag six more people. Yeah, the tag stops here, unless Soccerdad and Snoopy want to go on with it. And maybe Omri. Oh, and Rahel, Judith, and Lair. What the heck.

1. I will frequently drive long periods of time without listening to the radio or music, and not get bored. I like to think, or work on my novel in my head, or just plain daydream. I guess I’ve never had a difficult time being alone with my thoughts. I know that drives some people absolutely batty, but I’m not one of them.

2. I did not eat broccoli until I was in my thirties. Now it’s one of my favorite vegetables.

3. One of my first jobs was washing dogs in a grooming shop.

4. I used to play Photon (the precursor to Laser Tag) obsessively. I was on a team, played every spare day of the week, spent tons of money on it, and even flew to Dallas with my team to play Photon in the place where it was born.

5. I drove a forklift when I was 13 years old. And crashed it into a wall. Didn’t hurt the forklift or myself, but I left a scar on the wall.

6. Showering is essentially a ritual. I start the same way almost every time, wash in the same order almost every time, and get confused if I skip a step or do something differently. Hair first, feet last. That’s just the way it is.

There you have it. Six things you never wanted to know about me.

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