Another short lesson in English

You simply cannot invent a thing like this:


A featured article of merchandise sold at a loss in order to draw customers

You shall see in a second which of the two meanings above is applicable when you read the first sentence of the Guardian leader of January 24, 2008:

If you bottle up 1.5 million people in a territory 25 miles long and six miles wide, and turn off the lights, as Israel has done in Gaza, the bottle will burst.

Somebody should tell the august leader writer of The Guardian that when the “leader” starts with a lie, the featured article becomes just merchandise sold at a loss in order to draw customers.

Cross-posted on SimplyJews.

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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2 Responses to Another short lesson in English

  1. chsw says:

    Bottled up? Manhattan is 14 miles long and an average of 2/3 mile wide. With its 2 million people, that gives this NYC borough several times the population density of Gaza.

    However, the real point is that the Great Gaza Escape may not be from anything that Israel may have done. It is probably from what Hamas has wrought inside of Gaza that is causing the Gazan Arabs to flee. Let’s hope that more leave and never come back.


  2. Ed Hausman says:

    They are not fleeing Gaza. They are invading Egypt.

    Israel needs more tools to force the non-citizen Arabs in Judea and Samaria to leave the Land of Israel.

    Use of those tools depends on proper placement. That placement is in the Jewish communities in the disputed territories, what the inimical or naive call “settlements” in “the West Bank”.

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