“Peaceful” Palestinians nearly murder Israeli in Ramallah

Stories like this happen all of the time. An Israeli gets lost and winds up in an Arab city in the West Bank, and the “peaceful” Palestinians—who only want peace and their own state, side-by-side with Israel—nearly murder him.

The Bat Yam resident recounts the horror that followed. “I ended up at an army checkpoint…and they let me through even though I was wearing a kippah and had Israeli license plates… I ended up in the center of Ramallah, stuck in traffic and surrounded by Arabs,” he says. “I still didn’t realize where I was because I relied on my GPS.”

Soon, however, Ochana was spotted by the local Arab residents. “One Arab merchant came up to my car and started rapping on my window….He asked me if I was Jewish and I answered ‘yes’. I immediately knew that something was wrong.”

The Arab merchant then entered Ochana’s vehicle through the window, punched him in the testicles and stole his cellular phone. “He began to yell ‘a Jew, a Jew’ and other Arabs soon approached me. They stole my GPS and my other cellular phone, “said Ochana.

This mugging, however, was soon the least of Ochana’s problems, as a near-lynch ensued. “An entire mob approached me and began to throw rocks at my car….they broke both the front and back windows….I began to cry and ask ‘why me?’” Ochana recalled.

Well, according to all of the pro-Palestinians, it’s because you stole their land, you see. And you’re oppressing the Palestinians with checkpoints and the separation fence. Therefore, you deserve to die.

Just as Ochana began to fear the worst, however, help came from an unexpected source. “Two Arabs came out of nowhere…One of them pulled me out of the car and asked me if I was insane. They ran with me to the Qalandiya checkpoint while we were chased by rock-pelting Arabs the entire way, and handed me over to Israeli soldiers,” he recounted.

Those would probably be the twenty percent of Palestinians who don’t think that suicide bombings are the way to get a state. Interesting, though, that the Arabs asked the Israeli if he was insane for having the nerve to show his face in an Arab town. This is the Palestinian state to come: Open to everyone but the world’s Jews. Watch for it.

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5 Responses to “Peaceful” Palestinians nearly murder Israeli in Ramallah

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Your main point is, alas, well-taken, Meryl. But let’s offer gratitude to two Arabs who at great risk to themselves saved the driver.

    I’d suggest the Israelis should find and honor these two men but that would amount to a death sentence for them. Alas.

  2. bvw says:

    Dear Israel, please go and get this man’s car back, and his cell phone too.

  3. Gliker says:


  4. Tatterdemalian says:

    Just rescuing the poor Israeli is a death sentence for the Arabs; they’ll be executed for “collaboration” inside a week. Israel should offer them sanctuary.

  5. Herschel says:

    I realy see no hope for this generation of Pal savages.
    What irks me is the complete blackout of these barbaric episodes by the MSM.

    The simple question that the MSM is afraid to ask is, how many mosques are there in Israel, and how many synogogues are there in all of the arab lands?

    The answer speaks volumes to the nature of this beast.

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