Surprised George and The Bomb


Snoopy wrote thisThis picture summarizes for me the image of George Monbiot: in essence – a surprised imbecile. The picture, by the way, comes from a BBC article, so it could not be labeled an Elders’ Photoshop job.

His new article in CiF carries a headline that matches this picture just beautifully:

Give the man a candy, please. His ability to be surprised is rivaled only by his ability to construct logical chains of unmatched nincompoopery.

For starters, look no further than the beginning of that piece:

I believe that Bush and Brown – who maintain their nuclear arsenals in defiance of the non-proliferation treaty…

Could somebody explain to George what exactly the non-proliferation treaty is about? Well, one can try, no doubt…

But that was neither here nor there – just an appetizer. Now let’s see that chain of logic I have promised. Here George comes out with a statement:

But Israel under Olmert is also a dangerous and unpredictable state involved in acts of terror abroad.

Fine, ain’t it? Now let’s see how elegantly he proves it in a few easy steps:

Two months ago it bombed a site in Syria (whose function is fiercely disputed).

Syria, indeed, disputes everything fiercely – from the mere act of bombing to the function of the site. Nobody else, save Baby Assad diminutive NK buddy, seems to dispute much.

Last year, it launched a war of aggression against Lebanon.

Indeed? From “disproportional response” to “war of aggression”? Cool. He probably read some Hezbollah site the other day and forgot to reset his memory module at the time of writing this.

It remains in occupation of Palestinian lands.

Is it a sign of being unpredictable? Hmm… have to check my dictionary on this.

In February 2001, according to the BBC, it used chemical weapons in Gaza: 180 people were admitted to hospital with severe convulsions.

According to BBC… rather, according to late Yasser, he of the double tongue and the lovely imagination. Why not mention the depleted uranium, the bird flu, the genetically trained virus – all these reported by Yasser and his loyal (oh well…) spouse Suha? Duh…

In short – our dear surprised George easily leaves any village idiot standing. When he puts his mind to it, that is…

Cross-posted on SimplyJews.

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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6 Responses to Surprised George and The Bomb

  1. Long_Rifle says:

    You know what I hear him saying just after that still was captured?

    “Oh my gosh! I think someone just pooped in my pants..”

    And if that drivel really was from him I REALLY think that’s what happened.

  2. Bob says:

    I hear New York has a gun-toting gang that controls its streets. They call themselves the New York Police Department. I’m sure you’re as appalled as I am that NY has a rogue gang like that.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    George seems to have forgotten the genetically engineered bug that infects only Arabs and not Jews. Get with the program George, you have to retail all the lies about Israel, not just cherry-pick the ones you can spell two times out of three. That’s what spellcheck is for.

  4. not-my-real-name says:

    Jokes are nice, but I fear that one day soon (a year, two years…) Iranian officials will admit they have one or two, and shortly thereafter proceed to threaten Israel.

    And then look out!

    I don’t think any of us want to see this happen, not because Israel is likely to be bombed — I don’t think this is at all likely. But none-the-less, I’d prefer to rather avoid the resulting dust-up.

  5. Gliker says:

    I would not brake if I saw George Jew Hater Monboit crossing the street.

  6. Michael Lonie says:

    Don’t look now but the Iranians have been threatening Israel for years, long before they actually got a bomb. Rafsanjani spoke six years ago or more about how when “Islam” got a bomb they would lob it at Tel Aviv and eliminate Israel with a single blow. Others have said similar things, including Gorilla Boy. I keep seeing Rafsanjani mentioned as a “moderate” because he is a bitter rival of Gorilla Boy. Apparently “moderate” in Iranian Mullah terms means a genocidal maniac.

    There will be no safety for anyone, including the Iranians themselves, unless the Pharaohs of Tehran are overthrown and replaced by some kind of halfway decent government, one that is not the avatar of an armed doctrine on the march to worldwide conquest, as is radical Islam of both the Shi’a and Sunni flavors. Given that the Pharaohs are a bunch of religious fanatics I do not trust them not to start throwing nukes around as soon as they get their grubby hands on some.

    I think many people do not take their fanaticism seriously because they speak in Muslim terms. This cant is unfamiliar to people in the West and so we are inclined not to take it so seriously. If Gorilla Boy was talking in Christian terms he would be saying that he wants to bring on the apocalypse so as to hasten the Second Coming. If they heard that all the liberals and lefties in the West would realize what a crazy he is and be foaming at the mouth for Bush to invade Iran and topple the crazy Christian religious fanatics threatening nuclear war. That they do not is indicative of their lack of understanding what he is saying and that they give him a pass because he is a supposed brown-skinned Third Worlder and so morally superior to Western White people like Bush and Cheney and…um Condi(?)…oh wait…OK the lefties have decided that she, like Clarence Thomas, is not authentically black (what a relief for them, eh?).

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