British anti-Semitism at the highest levels

Why am I not surprised to read this?

At the end of the meeting, the Israeli official invited the Prince of Wales to visit the Jewish state for its 60th anniversary celebrations.

Following the meeting, the Jewish Chronicle reported Friday, Israeli Ambassador to Britain Zvi Heifetz invited Sir Michael Peat, Prince Charles’s principal private secretary, and Clive Alderton, deputy private secretary, to Israel as a prelude to a possible official visit by the prince.

In August, Sir Michael — copying in Alderton — expressed enthusiasm for the idea, replying in an email to the embassy, “The invitation is hugely appreciated and Clive and I would love to come.”

However, a private email exchange a month later between the two aides to the prince revealed a completely different picture.

In the exchange of emails seen by the JC, Alderton privately sought reassurance from his superior that the pair need never accept the invitation.

Alderton — whose responsibilities include foreign affairs and relations with ethnic and faith communities and who has accompanied Prince Charles and his wife on a visit to Kuwait in February— complained to Sir Michael in an email of being “pursued” by the ambassador, and asked: “Safe to assume there is no chance of this visit ever actually happening?

And here’s the killer quote:

“Acceptance would make it hard to avoid the many ways in which Israel would want HRH (Prince Charles) to help burnish its international image. In which case, let’s agree a way to lower his expectations.”

Yes, why on earth would England want to make Israel look like, say, Saudi Arabia? After all, the one nation allows Christians to worship freely, and the other refuses to allow so much as a crucifix or a bible into it. So why would the Brits want to burnish the image of a nation where there is democracy and freedom of worship, where thieves are merely sentenced to jail terms instead of having their hands cut off, and where homosexuality and adultery is not punishable by death? I really can’t see a reason for wanting to promote Israel over the dictatorships and medieval hellholes of the Middle East.

Except for the obvious one, of course. Brits hate the Jews. We see that in so many different ways, that I wonder why Jews still remain in the U.K.

When contacted by the JC with evidence of the email exchange, a spokesman for the Prince of Wales tried to play down its significance.

“This is simply an internal email about a possible visit by Clarence House officials to Israel,” he told the JC. “Any potential visit by the Prince of Wales would be undertaken at the recommendation of the government.

Uh-huh. Just an email exchange. By one of the people who arranges the international visits of the Prince of Wales. About how little he wants Charles to do anything positive for the Jewish State.

Remember, though, it isn’t anti-Semitism. It’s anti-Zionism.

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11 Responses to British anti-Semitism at the highest levels

  1. John M says:

    I think “Brits hate the Jews” is too broad a brush, but I do agree that it shows unreasonable anti-Israeli bias on Charles’ staff.

  2. Joel says:

    Mark Steyn once pointed out that it’s not so much that Brits are anti-Semitic, it’s that they’re hot for Arabs. And it’s true that the Brits have always hugely romanticized Arab culture. Look at T.E. Lawrence and the entire Foreign Office just to name a few.

  3. Jack Rich says:

    A few points. First, yes, many Brits are anti-Semites. Not all, obviously.

    Second, Prince Charles is a grade-A moron; a joke at best. Notice those classically-Windsor close-set eyes? Of the sort seen in the mentally challenged and criminal element…

    Third, the Saudis, and other Arab states, have oil. Israel does not.

    Fourth, if you wish to get truly nauseous, don’t focus on our cousins across the Pond with bad dental hygiene. You need only look at a picture of Bush holding hands at his Crawford ranch with one of the Saudi oil ticks.

  4. Ted says:

    Jack Rich points out that the Arab states have oil. And so does Britain, in the North Sea.

    But as Meryl’s blog points out in a newer post, Israel seems to have lots of brains.
    A resource that appears to becoming scarcer and scarcer in Britain.

    Frankly, as an American I am sick and tired of bailing out the UK from its mis managed wars. The next time the Limeys want to fight someone, let them do it themselves, instead of killing hundreds of thousands of our boy. Who the Brits sacrifice to prop up morons like Charles and his Nazi-loving boys.

  5. Jeremy Butterfield says:

    Oh dear, oh dear,

    Which mismanaged wars would those be, my friend? Iraq, Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, too name but a few.

    You accuse people who of being anti-semitic and then slag off British people. Hypocrites!

  6. Jeremy, I’m thinking the nation that practically invented colonialism, and is singlehandedly responsible for the mess that is the Middle East, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other areas of the world, hasn’t got a moral leg to stand on. Especially not to call us hypocrites.

  7. Ted says:


    I’m not sure if you studied history in school but here in the states we learn about something called World War I.

    During that war, British Imperialists fought German Imperialists. And they were losing big time until the Americans showed up. And instead of a thank the Brits gave the US a big FU during the Versailles treaty negotiations.

    We also learn about something called World War II. And Lend-Lease where we gave the Brits BILLIONS of dollars of war material for leases to bases that the U.K. couldn’t possibly keep. Once again, you Brits would have lost big time without our intervention.

    The third thing we Americans learn about is something called the “Cold War”. Without BILLIONS more Americans Dollars the economy of the UK – and Western Europe – would have collapsed. And you LobsterBacks would have had to learn how to speak Russian.

    [Instead of the Arabic your children
    will have to learn in the coming years.]

    And during the British illegal aggression against the Malvinas, US Navy
    ships held ‘exercises’ in front of the advancing UK fleet, just to discourage the Argentinians from trying anything funny before the Red Coats arrived to steal back those islands.

    Interesting how you missed those wars.

    So, Jeremy, are you simply misinformed;
    well informed and a purposeful liar; or simply stupider than a bucket of … um … feces?

  8. chsw says:

    Charlie Battenberg has more in common with his great-uncle Bermuda Ed than with first cousin Captain Lou. Any such visit would more likely burnish His Royal Horseass’ image (currently that of an islamofascist-sympathizing moonbat) than that of Israel.


  9. Gary Rosen says:


    Get back to us when the Mayor of London isn’t a filthy, raving antisemitic hatemonger.

  10. Derpelly65 says:

    I have little faith in britian >_>

  11. Michael Lonie says:

    Me, I’m am Anglophile. I do wish Britain did not seem to be heading down the tubes as it embraces the coming disaster that is the EU, and that the Brits would not continually expunge their ancient liberty from their polity.

    As for WWI and WWII and the Cold WAr, the triumph of Britain’s enemies in each of these would have been disastrous for the USA. We were fortunate that we had Britain running interference for us in the earlier years of the two world wars. And, I might point our, France was also very active at Versailles in screwing over the European continent.

    You can complain about the postwar settlement of the Middle East after the Great War, but after the Turks idiotically joined the war what were the allies supposed to do, sing Kumbaya to them? A bunch of irresponsible new Arab states without any European influence over them would have acted even worse then than they did later.

    Spare me the stuff about “The Malvinas”. The incompetent Argie Junta wanted to shore up its crumbling domestic power by seizing the islands which had been settled British territory for a century and a half. The people there wanted to remain British subjects; that was the sticking point in the negotiations between Britain and Agentina before the war. It was the Argies who violated international law by making their attack and the British gave them what they earned. Argentina has never been a real friend to the USA, always seeing us as a rival, sort of like France does. This goes back at least a century, and has little or nothing to do with any American policies or interventions in Latin America. It’s Argentine grandiosity.

    It will be a dark day for the USA if Britain collapses into the EU or an Islamified Republic. There are lots of idiots there, not only Charley but in the Labour Party and among the Conservatives (so-called) as well.

    As for Charley himself, well the Hanoverian dynasty was never known for exceptional intelligence. I’d venture to guess his mother (the most intelligent member of the family for about three generations) loathes him, which is a hoary tradition of the family. Traditionally the reigning monarch loathes the heir. But they’ve seen worse than Charley; look at Prinny.

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