Ahmadinejad is afraid of a girl

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who says he is for peace, against war, and loves all people, deliberately snubbed Karnit Goldwasser, whose husband Ehud was kidnapped last year by Hezbollah.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refused to address an Israeli woman who asked him at a news conference on Tuesday about her husband, one of two Israeli soldiers kidnapped by Hizbullah last year.

As he has done at previous appearances at the United Nations, where he addressed the General Assembly earlier on Tuesday, Ahmadinejad also ignored a question asked by an Israeli journalist, saying only, “next question.”

[…] Karnit Goldwasser accused Ahmadinejad at the news conference of being behind the kidnapping and urged him to at least provide some proof of life. “How come you’re not allowing the Red Cross to visit them,” she asked from the front row.

Ahmadinejad ignored the question. He later sparred with a journalist from Fox News who asked whether Iran’s goal was the destruction of the Jewish state.

And this was right after he told the United Nations the following:

Family is the most sacred and valuable human institution that serves as the center of the purest mutual love and affection amongst mothers, fathers and children, and as a safe environment for the nurturing of human generations and a fertile ground for the blossoming of talents and compassion.

[…] Friends, ladies, and gentlemen, the only sustainable way to the betterment of mankind is the return to the teachings of the divine prophets, monotheism, respect for the dignity of humans, and the flow of love and affection in all relationships, ties, and regulations, and to reform the present structures on this basis.

To fulfill this objective, I invite everyone — everybody to form a front of fraternity, amity, and sustainable peace, based on monotheism and justice, under the name of “Coalition for Peace,” (ph) to prevent incursions and arrogance and to promote the culture of affection and justice.

I hereby announce that, with the help of all independent, justice-seeking and peace-loving nations, the Islamic Republic of Iran will be heading down this path.

Monotheism, justice, and compassion for humans should dominate all the pillars of the U.N. And this organization should be a forum for justice, and every member should enjoy equal spiritual and legal support.

Apparently, when it comes to the sanctity of the Israeli family, and peace with the Israeli nation, Ahmadinejad figures that all bets are off. Of course, we already knew this. But you have to hold his blatant hypocrisy up to the world—even if nobody is really listening. Because we are.

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