The U.K. thinks it still has a British Mandate

My first reaction to this report: What right has the U.K. got to tell Israel what to do?

Israel must strike a balance between ensuring short-term security and helping the Palestinian territories develop economically to secure a more stable future, a British government report said on Monday.

The report, “Economic aspects of peace in the Middle East,” said the economic outlook for the Palestinian economy is already bleak and with its population growing rapidly the situation is unsustainable.

“Striking the balance between Israeli security and Palestinian economic freedom poses a great challenge for Israeli policymakers and security officials, but it is one that cannot be avoided,” the report said.

The report recommends immediately removing obstacles to travel within the West Bank and operating continuous and predictable border crossings for goods and people into and out of Gaza.

It was commissioned by Prime Minister Gordon Brown in 2005, when he was finance minister. He has long argued that the political and security situation can only improve if there is a strong and sustainable Palestinian economy.

My second reaction to this report: What effing right has the U.K. got to tell Israel what to do?

My third reaction to this report: I think you get the drift.

News flash, Britain: It’s not the British Mandate of Palestine anymore. You screwed up when it was, and you’ve been screwing Israel over ever since it wasn’t, so my report to the U.K. regarding their report on Israel: Shut it.

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5 Responses to The U.K. thinks it still has a British Mandate

  1. Ryan Frank says:

    One unusual admission, the report actually admits that they want Israel to be less secure for the ‘good’ of the Palestinians. While thats pretty much always the case, they usually don’t actually admit it in print.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    It’s worth remembering that after nearly twenty years of not so benign neglect by Egypt and Jordan, economic and social life in the administered territories improved by virtually every standard imaginable. In the seventies the territories were among the most rapidly growing economies in the world. There was no reason why this couldn’t have continued…except that the Palestinians didn’t want it.

    They are sure in a sorry plight and they’ve done it to themselves. This was a choice they made. Let them stew in their own juices.

  3. Jack says:

    Let them worry about developing modern dentistry within their little island. Not to mention that their Brits and their fallen empire are responsible for quite a few messes around the world.

  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    Alex, actually it was not the “Palestinians” that caused the problem. It was the “worls” (including the Israeli politicians) who insisted on putting Yessir Imarat in charge and letting his thugs create the terrortories.

  5. Omri Ceren says:

    Well in fairness to them, they’re probably looking for somewhere suitably “British” or Anglo or civilized that they can move to. They’ll need a ton of places like that in 15-20 years…

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