WordPress 3k

If you’ve been wondering how many posts I write per day, I have a math problem for you. Take the number of days in a year. Multiply that times two. Subtract 15. Now take that number and divide it into 3000, and you will get an idea of how many posts I’ve written and published since this blog went WordPress, back in September of 2005. This does not take into account the many posts I have started and spiked, nor does it take into account my cobloggers’ posts. Snoopy is closing in on 300, and Lair Simon would have been had he not stopped posting here.

So apparently I’ve been publishing an average of four posts per day for the past two years. Funny, it feels like so many more, sometimes. I have no idea how many posts are on my original site. I can find out, but I’d have to figure out a unique identifier before doing the global search (probably the word “permalink,” though there may be some places where that occurs more than once in a post). Suffice to say that I have written millions of words since I started blogging in April of 2001.

Sometimes, a post will take me over an hour to write. Sometimes it’s only a five-minute effort. But I nearly always put a lot of thought into what goes up. Some of you may have noticed a post appear and disappear yesterday. That happens, though only rarely, and usually when I have second thoughts about the tone of the post. You can find it in your RSS, I’m sure. The RSS is an unforgiving publisher/editor, even moreso than Google archives. At least with Google, you can get things taken out of their archives. Not so with RSS feeds. Once your reader has it, it’s theirs forever. Or at least until they delete it from their RSS reader.

3,000 posts. Wow. And if I had a nickel for every post, multiplied by the number of people who read it… yeah, that’d be nice. Oh, well. I think I’ll settle for thanking all of you who contributed to my tipjars, bought me things off my wishlist, and otherwise contributed fiscally to the continuation of this blog. I’ll never get rich writing it, but I get a whole lot of satisfaction. And none of that would be possible without readers. So thanks. Those 3k posts were for me, but they were also for you.

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