Olmert peacemakes while kassams fall

The kassam rockets are still falling on Sderot, threatening kindergartens, and Olmert is talking about creating a Palestinian state with the man who can’t even stop his own people from trying to murder Israelis.

A rocket launched from northern Gaza landed in a kindergarten schoolyard in Sderot, moments after the completion of a Monday afternoon meeting between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

The al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, took credit for the attack, which caused damaged to nearby buildings, including two other kindergartens and a public elementary school.

Since the structures were empty, due to summer vacation, there were no ensuing casualties.

Wow. Three schools with one shot. Of course the same groups that accuse Israel of war crimes will be protesting the bombing of three schools in one attack, right?

Take a look at most of the links I provide for terrorist incidents. Except for the kassams, the overwhelming majority of terror incidents are in the West Bank. Apparently, Olmert no longer believes that the Palestinians must cease terror before getting their own state.

Sorry, but all I see is Arafatism in a new suit of clothes. We’ve been here before. Nothing good will come of it.

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One Response to Olmert peacemakes while kassams fall

  1. Ed Hausman says:

    If Olmert can only continue making magical “gestures”, a resplendent Palestinian State will rise from the rubble of corrupt kleptocrats and failed civil institutions. Oh, wait: Tony Blair is going to fix those first. Or maybe later. Maybe.

    Throw the bums out.

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