The “archy” that is Gaza

It’s no longer anarchy. It’s archy. No, really, Hamas has restored order and justice.

About 30 armed men from a Hamas-led security force entered Gaza City’s Al-Azhar University on Saturday and seized 80 bags with chemicals from the agriculture college, the dean said.

It was not immediately clear why the chemicals were taken. The spokesman for Hamas’ Executive Force militia was not immediately available for comment. The dean, Jawad Wadi, said he called the office of the Hamas ruler of Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, to file a complaint. (AP)

Well, it could be for a fertilizer bomb. Or it could be for resale on the street, what with money being short and all that. But it’s a perfect example of the lie that is Hamas. When the thugs are the police, the police steal you blind. It’s a no-brainer.

Even the EU has figured it out.

The EU is scaling back its monitoring mission at the Gaza-Egypt border, which has been closed since the start of bloody factional fighting that led to Hamas’ takeover of the coastal strip, a spokeswoman said Saturday.

The cutback in personnel signals that the European monitors don’t expect the Rafah terminal on the border, Gaza’s only gateway to the world, to reopen anytime soon. The monitors were deployed under a November 2005 agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, following Israel’s pullout from Gaza. Under the deal, the border was controlled by Palestinian and Egyptian security forces, with European monitors deployed on the Palestinian side to prevent smuggling of weapons and militants. (AP)

Mind you, this won’t stop them from blaming Israel for keeping the crossing closed.

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One Response to The “archy” that is Gaza

  1. John M says:

    Well, you know, whenever I have a dispute with my neighbors, I just go and steal their fertilizer at gunpoint. It’s just normal…

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